My little secret.

Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 by Anthony in

I woke up this morning with the realization that I am harboring a terrible secret. It's actually been eating away at my soul for weeks but I never shared it with anyone because I honestly didn't feel like it was anyone else's business. However, I just can't move forward any longer until I free my conscience and admit what I can no longer hide. My only prayer is that my admission will inspire others to keep it real and confess they have the same secret!

I wanted to take her clothes off RIGHT THERE!

Posted: Monday, November 22, 2010 by Anthony in

Yesterday, I decided to take the long-term "booship" candidate out to eat and to the lake. Typical of a woman, it took her so long to get ready that my afternoon plans slowly turned into an evening agenda. By the time we reached the lake the sun was starting to set (yet somehow the temperature began to rise). There seemed to be a war waging between the beauty of the calm sun-glazed water and the radiance of Ms. X's glowing skin and piercing eyes. As each work of art battled for my undivided attention, I could feel myself losing control of the situation and being swept away by the salacious atmosphere. She must have also sensed my vulnerability as she gently leaned closer and whispered "kiss me." At that point there was nothing I could do but EXACTLY what she said. This was not the first time I had kissed her but there was something different in the air that ignited once our lips touched.

I remember the first time I was molested!

Posted: Friday, November 5, 2010 by Anthony in

I couldn't blog yesterday because I spent most of the day at the hospital with my little brother. However, on Wednesday I briefly mentioned my childhood battle with molestation. Ironically (or divinely) I hear that Oprah is airing a show today where 200 men will admit they were molested as well. Since Oprah is God's twin sister (lol) I feel like He must want me to discuss my experience and process of healing a little more.

What it felt like to be PRECIOUS for a night...

Posted: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 by Anthony in

Many of you who are friends with me on facebook or who follow me on twitter (@anthonytheseer) are well aware of my love/hate relationship with the movie Precious. Despite its Oscar nominations and serious dramatic tone, I found it slightly comical and at times hyperbolic. Therefore, when it came time for me to choose a character for my Halloween costume, only one seemed fitting: Precious! I knew it would be funny for my friends to see me transform into this beloved entity, but I had no idea that by the end of the night Precious would teach me some valuable lessons.